Friday, December 19, 2008

What a happy month!

Jim found out that next year his shift will be days with three days off together!!! I wonder what it will be like to have a hubby home?? Here I have been thinking I had a sugar daddy.... things are changing.

Chalise has finished her Japanese Language 1 class and can't wait for the next.

Cameron put on a good performance at the Christmas Concert, where he played bass drum.

I passed my realty exam!

The best part of all is that we will be spending time with family soon and just soaking up the love and happiness. Not to mention the presents.

We wish everyone everywhere a safe and happy holiday!!!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

A Flash From The Past!

We went to Jimmy Black's Benefit yesterday and had a great time! I saw people that I haven't seen since my early childhood. It was so cool to reconnect! I had a lot of family that was there as well that I haven't seen for a long time, since they had moved to other states years ago.

There were lots of people. Musicians, fans and family that turned out for the event. All of the musicians had a chance to play, which made for an array of music styles. Of course we went over our time allotment. The park was very gracious to allow us to keep rockin into the night. Our numbers started thinning out once people could no longer feel their toes. They raised some money for the family, the film crew got some great shots and most of all....the Black family felt much love.

Jimmy's son Geronimo and a few musicians setting up.

From the left; Denny (Steelfingers, and my Uncle) Walley, Tom Leavy, Janet (my Aunt)

Jimmy's widow Moni and Uncle Denny at the shirt kiosk.

Last but not least...these are the grown up children that were in my earlier 70's pic. From left; Jared Walley(my cousin), Geronimo (amazing singer and musician, like his dad) , Darin (Jared's cousin who plays some wicked drums!).

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Today"s Adventures

We started out with my doctors apt. It worked out good. I will be off my thyroid medication within two weeks! The surprising part is that my doctor is totally on board! Now, because of the meds, my anxiety is high which has increased my cortisol and the effects it has on me. I am a puffer fish! Hopefully, as soon as my thyroid dose goes down, so will my cortisol and the pufferness that is me.

To celebrate, the family and I went out to see Batman; The Black Knight! I loved the special effects! I have got to get me one of those tank/car/motorcycle things... I also loved how Batman made the semi flip over like it was doing a trick for a treat. I give this movie five stars ***** LOL

All-in-all, it was a great day!